Many things are facts, but if somebody abruptly asks you what you know, you will be suprised and can't think of something. Actually many thoughts will pass by your mind, but it will be hard to make a decision; espectially when we should have a good fact it will be much harder. Let's think that we are introducing ourselves as students. It will be easier. Now, be ready to read my ideas!
My first thing that I know to be true is that I like to read books and admire Albert Einstein and Issac Newton. I also like English fantasy books. I like learning new things and science books gice a lot of information. First, I really wanted to memorize all what I had read, but I realized that we should just know what it is to make reading books fun. I had known about Einstein and Newton from those science books and I began to admire them instead of other scientists. The reson was that Newtonm had created his own world when he saw the apple fall. Next is Einstein. He is a genious, no doupt, but I think he had tried a lot and suceeded. I really respect them(not love of course) and should try a lot like a growing tree which actually tries a lot to make their seeds.
My second truth is that everybody needs friends. Sometimes they can be upset or mad at us and hurt our feelings. Even so, we need them to help each other a lot and be happy. They help us whenever we have a problem and can play with us when we feel bored. Also, they could make us compete with each other and help us on our studies. World without friends will be horrible. No matter how they treat you badly, they can actually be your true friends and can give you a valuable lesson. Friends should always be beside us.
Third, GLPS camp is where we can master our englich ability. We learn debate, writing, math, PE, history, and many other subjects. The program could be hard, but after we get into it it feels much more fun and helps us improve. I think that's one of the best parts in this camp. There are a few rules, too. E-O-P is a rule which is an acronym of 'English Only Policy'. This rule is harsh, but it actually helps us improve our speaking skills. You feel happy and satisfied when you figure out that you have actually learned something from your effort. I had experienced this feeling after I finished my academy and will experiance a lot in this camp, too. I think GLPS camp is one of the best places to feel this emotion.
Three things that I know to be true are that first, I like to read science books and respect Einstein and Newton who had tried a lot and didn't give up. My second fact was that GLPS camp is one ot the greatest camps to gain English skills. What are your three things that you know to be true? Why don't you introduce them to us?
Great job. you are a very good writer. Please add space between your paragraphs and use more pictures or videos. Remember to spell check, too!
답글삭제It is very long and detailed.
답글삭제No wonder you always read science books in the dormitory!
답글삭제Jane-this is Yena-seriously, u've improved ur English a heck a lot, or did u get help from ur teachers? I mean, words like "abruptly"...u normally wouldn't use that LOL- anyways, MAKE A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT
답글삭제Plus, good to see that u are surviving over there